Recollections of Grandma
/(by Shelly Ruben)
Aroma of fresh baked challas,
The delicious moon shaped cookies...
Eight Pecks make more than two bushels -- A celebration of our heritage.
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(by Shelly Ruben)
Aroma of fresh baked challas,
The delicious moon shaped cookies...
(by Elaine Schultz) Mom worked in a department store and a candy shop. She helped Grandma Beber raise the brothers and sisters when Grandpa died. She did not talk much about the early years; it must have been hard...
Read More(by Gloria) When Grandma lived on Broadway, a neighbor told the Jewish Welfare Group about the family's poverty. A rep came to grandma's door and offered help. Grandma said they were fine. However, Aunt Lubah was standing near-by and interrupted...
Read More(by Joel Peck) I don't recall Rhona living at your house, but she confirms your recollection. Her stay at your house stemmed indirectly from the accident. The accident occurred on May 24, 1952. Dad spent several weeks in the hospital in Newport News. Rhona, David and I remained at our house...
Read More(by Elaine and Shelly) What happy times... The family together built the house, especially May, Willie and Howard. They would go every weekend until it was finished. It had a long living room where all the kids would sleep on cots...
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